Social Media Club Education Connection
Welcome to the home for our Social Media Education program. Here is the place you will access all of the information about our goals, our working group, our partners and of course, access to the materials. In support of this initiative, we have started an SMCEDU community on Ning for ongoing collaboration. Eventually this may move to its own site, but for the latest and greatest, you will find it all right here.
One of our primary goals is to develop an SMCEDU Resource Guide, a collection of community resources for those teaching social media in schools and for those seeking to offer social media courses at their schools. In addition to blogging about the program from Social Media Club, we will be publishing a directory of professors that teach social media, and ways for you and your organization to connect to suport the project. If you have any questions/concerns/comments/hints/suggestions, please contact us through the SMC Contact form and/or write to us publicly and use the SMCEDU tag.
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