
Project: Media Literacy

Page history last edited by katemered@... 14 years, 10 months ago

Media Literacy

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Michael Brito is leading an effort to find and organize all the best Introduction to Social Media presentations, classes, discussions, cartoons, videos, blog posts etc. There are a lot of 'here is what you need to know about social media' lists out there as well - where are they, which ones are the best.


If you have some materials to submit, or if you run across some good material, can you please join this project by adding your name and contact information to the list and then posting the link or uploading the file here.



Working on this project:



Michael Brito, email: michael.j.brito(at)intel(dot)com


Researchers (in alphabetical order, by last name)

Kim M. Bayne, email:

Richard Binhammer, email:

Alex de Carvalho, email:

Dawn Gilpin, email:

Erica O'Grady, email:

Pierre-Yves Platini: pyplatini (at) gmail (dot) com

Des Walsh, email: deswalsh(at) gmail(dot)com

Kate Dickman email:

DL Byron, email: dlbyron(at) gmail(dot)com




Materials (ebooks, PDFs and blog posts):

An anthropological introduction to YouTube, by Michael Wesch of KSU. An hour long, but a really fascinating look at the entire new mediascape, focusing on YouTube.

An Essential Guide to Social Media, by Brian Solis. This is a free e-book aimed primarily at executives and other organizational leaders who need a primer on the social media world.

Social Media in Plain English, video by Common Craft. Youtube Video, 3:44.

Talk amongst yourselves, Flickr slidesow, by Textura Design - on Enterprise Social Media

Social Media Headlines on alltop, All the top Social Media sites.

The New Rules of Viral Marketing (PDF) by David Meerman Scott

What is Social Media? (eBook) by Icrossing

The Social Web Analytics (eBook) by Philip Sheldrake

A Primer in Social Media (PDF)by Eric Karjaluoto

How Blogs and Social Media are Changing Public Relations and the Way it is Practiced (PDF)by Donald K. Wright & Michelle D. Hinson

The Art and Science of Social Media and Community Relations (eBook) by Brian Solis

Customer Service, The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media (eBook) by Brian Solis

Co-creation.pdf an academic paper on co-creation principles and how users draw value from participating in the production process

The strength of weak cooperation: a case study of Flickr  a sociological study by Dominique Cardon (Orange Labs and SMC France)

Social Media, Introduction to the tools and processes of participatory economy a very good handbook on social media theories and practices. social media intro.pdf









by Bob Duffy (original post here)




Web Builder Conference, Social Media Workshops, Vegas, October 13 - 15, 08

Web Design World, Boston, Social Media Workshops, Boston, December 8-10, 08

SocialMediaCamp, All over the US, 08.


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