• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Kristie Wells 14 years ago

Social Media Club Philadelphia


August is a busy month for Social Media in Philly.  Social Media Club Philly is taking a break from our regular meetings, but that does not mean we are not active.  We are supporting several social media related events in Philly and we encourage you to join us at one or all of them!


Social Media Day Philly is teaming up with Chevy again, and we're sliding the event to Wednesday August 11th! Chevy's "Cruze Philly" will start around 4:30pm, and give you a chance to test drive the brand-spankin' new Chevy Cruze. Other bonuses include drink tickets, appetizers, prizes, and swag! "Cruze Philly" will go till around 6pm and SMD Philly + Twizzo will follow and go until around 8pm. Hopefully everyone can make it on Wednesday (no need to re-RSVP) - and see you then!   Use hashtags #smdphilly and #cruzephilly to chat on Twitter!
More details at http://www.socialmediadayphilly.com/

August 12th - Tech Cocktail is coming to Philly!
6:30 - 9:00 pm at the Field House 1150 Filbert Street
Frank Gruber, the founder of Tech Cocktail has reached out with a special invitation to Social Media Club Philly.
Tech Cocktail is exactly what it says - a cocktail party of tech people. Several local startups, including some from DreamIt Ventures, will be showing off some of the cool innovation happening in Philly. I happen to know that some of these companies have a significant social media focus, so you probably want to check them out.
More info & registration here - http://techcocktail.com/home/2010/07/15/tech-cocktail-philadelphia-1/

We wind up August with the Philly CitizenGulf event on August 25th. Social Media Club is a supporter of the CitizenGulf project.
This nationally coordinated, locally produced benefit event -- also being promoted by Gulf Coast Benefit -- will help fishing families find a new, more sustainable future by providing education resources for their children.
If you want to help with the planning and execution of the Philly event or are interested in being a sponsor, please let us know!
Follow @citizengulfphl on Twitter - Buy tickets & more info here - http://citizengulfphilly.eventbrite.com/?ref=ebtn

One last Save the Date - Oct 2 & 3 - PodCamp Philly - Mark your calenders now! More info & the link for tickets is here http://www.podcampphilly.com/




JUNE MEETUP - E to the Power of X - Entrepreneurship & Social Media - Using Social Media to Grow Your Startup


DATE:         THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2010   6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


                   The Science Center

                   3711 Market Street, 8th Floor

                   Philadelphia, PA 19104


Register Here:    http://smcphillyjune2010.eventbrite.com


Continuing the spirit of getting back to basics, SMC Philly is holding another open discussion session. 

Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to get out the word about their statups while maximizing their often meager resources.  Join us for a meeting with some of Philly's newest and brightest startups, the members of the 2010 DreamIt Ventures class.  We will be holding a round table discussion with them on methods, strategies and tools they can use to start building buzz about their companies. 






DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2010 6:00PM - 8:00PM


Temple University Center City Campus

1515 Market St., Room 621

Philadelphia, PA




This next meeting is a throw back to SMC meetings of the past. Here’s where we strip down and get back to the basics: sharing. This will be an open forum, roundtable meeting. No speaker and no topic EXCEPT social media. We’ll take turns going around the room and sharing intel on favorite new tools and platforms, what we’re working on, key learning’s from things we’ve done and share best practices.


This a meeting for the “doer’s” so let’s git ‘er done.


**Sponsored by the Temple School of Journalism**






LOCATION: Jolly's Dueling Piano Bar, 2006 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103


REGISTER HERE: http://smcphillyfeb2010.eventbrite.com/



Here's where we get the nitty gritty on one of social media's fastest growing genre's: dating & social media.

Think this topic isn't for you because you're in a relationship? Think again.

A discussion will be led by Shmitten Kitten's own Anna Goldfarb (backing by a supporting cast of SK's writers). They'll be gettin' sweet on:

  • why they decided to blog on this topic
  • methods of how they built an audience/following
  • the stories. oh my, the stories.
  • how have they monetized the site?
  • safety tips of using social media when you're dating

We're very excited to be hosted by Jolly's Dueling Piano Bar for this event. The piano's start dueling @ 8PM (stop time for our discussion) so pack your showtune shoes and get ready for some Piano Man!




NEW! Join our Google Group for discussion & more!


Our schedule of events is below. Locations, hosts/sponsors and topics will be listed as they become available. All events are FREE, unless otherwise stated. As agendas become available, we'll add links to them from this page (click on the date). Thanks to our sponsors, and to everyone on the Philly Leadership for their hard work to make this schedule possible!


SPONSORS WANTED: We're currently looking for sponsors for upcoming events. Please contact annie_heckenberger [at] yahoo [dot] com if you're interested in sponsoring an event--you can suggest a topic and help us with a venue!


IDEAS WANTED: We're also looking for great ideas for upcoming events. Check out the Philly Ideas page and share your thoughts on possible upcoming events, speakers, sponsors, etc.   




Topic:  Happy Hour - Help us put some Social in Social Media

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Date:  Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Location: Tritone - 1508 South Street, Philadelphia, PA

Register:  http://smcphillyjan2010.eventbrite.com/     


Time to put a little social in our social media with Happy Hour at Tritone!  In keeping with New Year traditions, come with a social media resolution or prediction for 2010. We are going to share your ideas throughout the night.  Look forward to seeing you there!




November 2009 Meet Up

Topic: The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited

Time:  6:30 - 8:30 pm

Date: Monday, November 2, 2009

Location: Red Tettemer, 1 S. Broad Street, 24th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 

Register:   http://smcphillynov2009.eventbrite.com/


The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited*

Real-life lessons in word-of-mouth marketing

Ten years after he wrote his bestselling book *The Anatomy of Buzz*, Emanuel

Rosen revisits the topic in his new book with new research and insight. In

this talk he will share some inspiring stories from non-profits and

companies from around the world.

• Myth and facts about word of mouth marketing

• Strategies for stimulating customers to spread the word

• New research on buzz and word of mouth

• Five practical tips to get you started





Due to a water main break at Temple Center City campus, we have changed the venue of tonight's meeting to

The Field House

1150 Filbert St

Philadelphia, PA 19107

We will be meeting upstairs.   Since we had to find a last minute location, we are in need of a portable screen and projector for Wil's presentation.  If anyone has one, please email us as soon as possible to redstaplerconsulting@gmail.com.  Thanks & see you tonight! 


October 2009 Meet Up

Topic: SEO + Social Media - Tips on Making them Play Nice Together

Time:  6:30 - 8:30 pm

Date: Tuesday, October 20th

Location: Temple University Center City

Register:   http://smcphillyoct2009.eventbrite.com/


Wil Reynolds, founder of SEER Interactive joins Social Media Club Philadelphia for a discussion on getting the most SEO value for your social media efforts.

In this discussion we'll touch on strategies to ensure that the work done in social media is also helping you attain high rankings on the search engines.  We'll discuss simple ways to take your efforts in the social arena and turn them into powerful linkbuilding strategies.


Thanks to our October event sponsor, Orbius.com, snacks will be served at this meeting.  Orbius is the only Software as a Service Social Website Platform

that enables non-technical community managers to create, update, manage and govern organization and user content


Photo Identification must be shown at the front desk to be admitted to Temple Center City.




September 2009 Meet Up


Topic:  What's More Social Than Food?! 

Time    6:30 - 8:30 pm

Date:    Monday, September 21st

Location:  PYT, 1001 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123

Register:  http://smcphillysept2009.eventbrite.com/



We all know that there is nothing more social than food. Cooking, eating, enjoying - our shared love of all things edible brings us together and gets us talking.

Join us as we talk with some local food bloggers and restaurantuers who have been effectively using different forms of Social Media to spread their love of food and cooking.  Jesse & Bart from ChefAMe, Marissa & Scott from ForkYou and Tommy from PYT will be joining us to share their experiences and lessons learned.  We also encourage other local food bloggers and foodies who use social media and those who want to learn more about different uses of social media to join us in the conversation. 


 We also encourage you to stay tuned for more information on our UPCOMING EVENTS! 


October 3rd & 4th - Social Media Club Philly brings Social Media Camp to PodCamp Philly 2009

We are teaming up with PodCamp and SearchCamp to make this a true digital media unconference.    We'll be covering it all - podcasting, blogging, videoblogging, search engine optimization and social media and more - and Best of all - how they tie in together! Register at http://podcampphilly3.eventbrite.com/


October 20th - Wil Reynolds from Seer Interactive  joins SMC Philly to talk about Social Media & SEO  (time and location to be announced) 


November 2nd - Emanuel Rosen, Author of "The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited" will be joining us to talk about Real Life Lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing  (time and location to be announced) 




August 2009 Meet Up


Topic: Social Media for Social Good

Time: 6:00-8:30pm

Date: Tuesday, August 25th

Location: Temple University Center City

Register: http://smcphillyaug09.eventbrite.com/


Social media offers organizations an indispensable tool set for a wide variety of philanthropic activities including activism, education, donor and volunteer development, and direct fundraising. Because of its inherently personal and community-based nature, social media provides an ideal canvas to work within, allowing causes to not just communicate, but also to activate and invigorate significant grassroots activity. [source: Geoff Livingston on Social Media for Social Good]


Local do-gooders will discuss how they utilize social media for their specific causes. We'll have panelists representing the following causes:



Please note: Attendees must bring a photo ID to gain admittance to the Temple University Center City building. If you do not bring your photo ID you will be turned away.


July 2009 Meet Up


Topic: The Benefits of Having a Corporate Mullet

Time: 6:30-8:00

Date: Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Location: Red Tettemer

Register at: http://smcphillyjuly.eventbrite.com/

Speaker: Duncan Alney of Firebelly Marketing


It's true...the mullet is back in fashion! Didn't you hear the latest from Glamour, er, Business Week?

Come on, how can you not have an affinity for something that's 'business in the front and party in the back?!'

Duncan Alney from Firebelly and the Indianapolis Social Media Club will join us to discuss the importance of socializing your business online (the party) while balancing the importance of business protocol in some social media situations (the business).

Duncan is flying in from Indiana to join us, so please give him a warm Philly welcome!


April 2009 Meet Up


Topic: The State of Social Media, Join the Discussion!

Time: 6:00-8:00

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Location: McGillan's

Register at: http://smcphillyapril.eventbrite.com/


Join the Social Media Club of Philadelphia as we lead a discussion around the state of social media and where it's all heading. The Social Media Club Philadelphia leadership team will kick off and moderate the discussion and will be joined by a few guest speakers (TBD).


Some top-of-mind questions that we discussed include:


  • What to say when someone says “I don’t have time for social media.”
  • Is social media a popularity contest or is social media about genuine relationships?
  • Are bloggers responsible for getting the facts right?
  • What makes a community real? That is: When does a web site feel like a place to and be, instead of simply a page of information to visit?
  • Does your vendor understand social media? And how do you know?
  • What are the responsibilities of Web 2.0 services to engage with and respond to the community it serves and what are the responsibilities of the community to the service?
  • How can we best support our social media community and our peers knowing full well we’re often competing for the same clients and client money?


March 2009 Meet Up


Speaker:  Geoff Livingston, author of Now Is Gone: A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs, CEO of Livingston Communications, and the buzz behind The Buzz Bin

Topic: Shiny Object Syndrome

Time: 6:30pm

Date: March 23, 2009

Register at: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/309224900


You know it. You hate it. And truth be told...you know you had a glimmer of it in your eye once upon a time. Join Geoff in a great discussion on how to combat it.


February 2009 Meet Up


Speaker: Ken Jacobs

Topic: Getting Back to Basics: Social Media and Public Relations Planning

Where: Science Leadership Academy

Time: 6:30pm

Date: February 25, 2009

Register at: http://smcphillyfeb.eventbrite.com/


Why social media and PR this month? Because in today’s world, nearly every “public” with whom you’re trying to build a relationship is online!


In the current economic environment all of us—whether business owners, freelancers, or those who execute communications for non-profits, government agencies, or corporations—need to be on defense when it comes to our work.


The best protection against the budget cutter’s sword is a rock-solid plan—one with measurable objectives, strategies that overcome roadblocks and tactics that ultimately help achieve marketing goals.

So let’s get back to the basics of planning and discuss some best practices!


Ken Jacobs of Jacobs Communications Consulting, a PR consulting, training and coaching company, will present and facilitate a discussion on the basics of plan writing. You’ll learn, among other topics, how to:


* Create objectives that are objectives; neither strategies nor tactics

* Make sure your objectives are measurable

* Understand the Three Kinds of Objectives: Output, Outtake, and Outcome for example Car Shipping 


The other reason for the PR focus is because this month we’re partnering with the local PRSA (Public Relation Society of America) chapter and its new social media committee. Please welcome them to the Social Media Club!


Mark your calendars! We'll be sure to get back to you with a location!



Events marked with a dollar sign ($) have an entry fee. See the event page for details.  Please note that registration and sign-up procedures will vary from event to event. Please be sure to read carefully about registration requirements for each event. Thanks!


If you'd like to volunteer, we could sure use the help! Check out the Philly Leadership for details.


Please tag all blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and car shipping photos with smcphilly and socialmediaclub.


If you upload photos to Flickr, we would appreciate you adding them into the Social Media Club pool at http://www.flickr.com/groups/socialmediaclub/. Thank you!



  • Tuesday, July 28th, 2009: The Benefits of Having a Corporate Mullet w/ Duncan Alney of Firebelly Marketing (at Red Tettemer)
  • Wednesday, April 29th, 2009: The State of Social Media w/ SMC Philly Panel (at McGillan's)
  • Wednesday, March 23rd, 2009: Shiny Object Syndrome w/ Geoff Livingston of CRT/tanaka (at Red Tettemer)
  • Wednesday, February 25th, 2009: Social Media & PR Strategy w/ Ken Jacobs of Ken Jacobs Communications (at the Science Leadership Academy)
  • Saturday, January 24th, 2009: Chronicles of Narnia Exhibition at The Franklin and The Kite & Key (for dinner/drinks).
  • Tuesday, December 16th, 2008: Philly.com Meetup at Philly.com and Tír na nÓg (for dinner/drinks). 1601 Market & 1600 Arch Streets. Read the Meeting Minutes here.
  • Saturday, November 29th, 2008: Turkey Meetup/Tweetup at Fado. 1500 Locust Street
  • Tuesday, October 28th, 2008: Oktoberfest & Half Baked at Fado. 1500 Locust Street
  • Wednesday, August 27th, 2008: End of Summer Blues at Red Tettemer. 1 S. Broad St, 24th Floor
  • Tuesday, July, 29, 2008: Get Your Social Media On! at Red Tettemer. 1 S. Broad St, 24th Floor
  • Thursday, May 8th, 2008: May Flowers, Baby! at Red Tettemer. 1 S. Broad St, 24th Floor
  • Monday, December 10th, 2007 @6PM: Independents Hall, 32 Strawberry St. in Old City (just off of Market St, near 2nd St. Station)
  • Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007: Independents Graficas Hall, 32 Strawberry St. in Old City (just off of Market St, near 2nd St. Station)
  • Wednesday, August 1st, 2007: the lounge at Triumph Brewery. 117-121 Chestnut Street (old city)
  • Monday, March 26, 2007: The first meeting was held at the offices of Bravo Group, 1601 Market Street, 22nd Floor conference room.




  • Venue recommendations:
  • Sponsors:








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