New York Volunteers

Social Media Club New York




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The Social Media Club New York Area is looking for help shaping the future of social media in New York. We have identified four roles that we needed support filling. These four people form the leadership team of the New York group. If you'd be interested in helping one of them, please send an email to kristiewells [at] gmail [dot] com. And your input on these roles is welcome--as with all the Social Media Club Wiki pages, this one is editable too (the password is above, feel free to add your comments or suggestions below).


Programming Director - Howard Greenstein


At the heart of the Social Media Club is great interactive events. The Programming Director manages all aspects of the activity calendar for the New York club. This person is responsible for:


Partnership Director - TBD

Our activities wouldn't be possible without partners. We partner with other businesses and organizations to find topics, speakers and venues for future activities. The Partnership Director manages the relationships with the national Social Media Club parent organization, other important social media organizations (both national and local), as well as with local businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring or hosting upcoming activities. This person is responsible for:


Promotions Director - TBD




Promotion is key to the ultimate success of our organization--and the earlier the better! This person is reponsible for:


Production Director - TBD

This person is responsible for all aspects of event execution, including:


Membership Director - TBD

The membership director is responsible for three important roles:


Director At-Large - TBD



As the group develops, other roles may be identified. Your suggestions are welcome. Thank you! Again, if you'd like to volunteer for these or other roles with the New York group, please email kristiewells [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!


Digital Scribe?

How about one person responsible for recording and blogging events.



Howard, am I missing the volunteer list? I want to add my name and help however I can.

-- Jeffrey Keefer


Howard I would love to volunteer, especially if Brooklyn needs an evangelist.

-- Sam Huleatt, sam dot huleatt@yahoo dot com


Howard, I'd be happy to help as a Director At-Large. I can provide technical and logistical assistance in many areas.

-- Larry Aronson  <>