

Page history last edited by Kristie Wells 14 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to the Social Media Club Community Wiki!







SocialMediaClub has been organized for the purpose of sharing best practices, establishing ethics and standards, and promoting media literacy around the emerging area of Social Media. This is the beginning of a global conversation about building an organization and a community where the many diverse groups of people who care about Social Media can come together to discover, connect, share, and learn. Learn more at the SocialMediaClub website.


This site is your main source of information about Social Media Club chapters and events going on around the world - as well as a place where members can collaboratively share information and resources with each other. If there is not an event happening in your back yard yet, you will soon find some good guides here to help you start one and start learning from other Social Media Experts and the curious who live near you.


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Attention spammers - we monitor the changes on every page of this wiki - adding links to your crappy sites to sell your shoddy products will be removed immediately. Don't waste our time or yours please. You will not win here.

Comments (15)

Marcia Suminski said

at 6:30 pm on Jul 8, 2009

Hi I'm Marcia and I work with a non profit that I want to get involved in Social Media.

sean.mcclowry said

at 4:22 pm on Jul 15, 2009

Hi - I like the idea you have underway! I am working on an initiative to create standards and methods for "information development" at which includes social media standards. Some example articles in this space include: We're also applying the approach to build a social media-based approach to sustainability at www.openm

It would be good to find a way to work together - well defined standards are definitely needed around data portability and sharing in this space.

Sonia Garcia, MBA, PhD said

at 5:49 am on Jul 29, 2009

Great to find a group dedicated to social media. I'm from Portland, ME, (new to the area from Baltimore). Recently, I was awarded a grant for soical media on behalf of my organizaiton, a private, non-profit in the social services/heatlh industry. I am excited to be a part of group like this to learn, participate and create with others.

Iggy Pintado said

at 6:14 pm on Jul 30, 2009

I'd like to suggest a topic (and a speaker!). I've just written a book called Connection Generation, that proposes that social media is an enabler for greater social and business connection. I'd love to speak on the topic of "Social Media and Connection". I won't actively plug my book much (just kidding) but discuss examples of how the social media creates and enables social and business connections. Let me know if any interest.

Cheers, Iggy

Kristie Wells said

at 10:14 am on Jul 31, 2009

Marcia and Iggy, what city are you based out of? You should check out the local teams page and see if there is a SMC chapter nearby, then work with the local organizational team to get connected to everyone (and Iggy, you can speak with them about leading a session one night).

Sean, would love to learn more. Jon Gatrell (in Atlanta) is leading the initiative for standards for SMC, if you send me an email to kristie [at] socialmediaclub [dot] org, I would be happy to connect you two.

Sonia, we don't have a group live near you yet (I believe), as I think the closest one is Boston...but we would be happy to help you get something started in your local community if you were interested. Shoot me an email and we can chat how to get you deeper involved and connected with the rest of the community.

shikha said

at 11:45 pm on Oct 19, 2009

Hi, i am Shikha/ Pune/India.Would like to volunteer for Pune Chapter.Please let me know whom should I contact and what is the process.Thanks

Rich Garner said

at 8:36 am on Oct 27, 2009

Hi, I'm Rich Garner from Virginia Beach, VA and I specialize in web development and multimedia training. I'm an expert with Flash, game design and podcasting and would love to donate my time and skills to the effort.

Ajith Samuel said

at 7:30 am on Nov 2, 2009

Hi Club,

I'm Ajith Samuel from Bangalore, India. I work as a Visual Media Consultant. I also specialize in customizing GUI Layouts for Blogs and Content Management Systems and Third party widgets integration. Happy to join this interesting social media revolution. Can share my time and effort wherever suitable.

ParisComLight said

at 4:36 am on Nov 17, 2009

Need to know what happens in SMC France...

David W. Couch said

at 12:31 pm on Nov 17, 2009

Hello, I'm David Couch, Social Media Specialist & UI developer under contract at Meredith Corporation. I have also recently become the VP for Membership & Education for the Iowa Food Cooperative. For Meredith I am currently Implementing WordPress Blogs, and for the IFC, I am heading up the effort to establish a thriving online community. I am looking for others excited about the trends brought about by and in social-media. I hope to learn and be learned. Let me know how I may help out.

Heather Lilienthal said

at 7:11 am on Nov 24, 2009

My name is Heather Lilienthal and I am an ag commodities writer for the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. We've been building, developing and looking to improve our social media efforts. I am definitely interested in getting involved with this group in order to learn more.

Joseph L. Murphy said

at 9:20 am on Nov 24, 2009

My name is Joseph Murphy and I'm interested in getting involved with this group to learn more about social media in the Des Moines area. Thanks!

Lindsey Kerr said

at 9:21 am on Dec 9, 2009

My name is Lindsey Kerr, working in Social Media Marketing management. I'm in the Tel Aviv area, along with my company. Does anyone know anything about a Tel Aviv chapter? Thank you very much!

Edna Chepkurui said

at 4:49 am on Dec 14, 2009

My name is Edna from Nairobi, Kenya-Africa. I am a freelance journalist and ardent user and fan of social media. Am very excited to find a group of people who have vast knowledge in the area. I am interested in creating a SMC in my city to bring together users, policy makers, business people and general public for advancement of responsible use of social media. Thank you.

Paul Lockett said

at 8:23 am on Apr 22, 2010

My name is Paul from Baton Rouge, and i'm excited about joining this group. I am so looking forward to see what is offered here.

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