

Page history last edited by Kristie Wells 14 years, 5 months ago


Social Media Buyer's Guide



The Social Media Buyers Guide Survey is underway! Participants can complete the survey to contribute their insights and thoughts to the Buyers Guide.


Buyers Guide Podcasts

Tune in to these podcasts to hear insights on the Buyers Guide from social media service providers, technology vendors and organizational buyers. Due to some technical issues, two podcasts were rescheduled and thus there are two versions. Check them all out below:


Blog Posts

Read up on the Buyers Guide and recent events through the blog posts from Social Media Club:



As Social Media has grown to become an industry in its own right, so has the complexity of figuring out which solutions and which service providers are right for your business. There are literally hundreds of white label social networks, dozens of conversation monitoring solutions and an endless procession of consultants claiming to be social media experts. As with all emerging industries, the number of people selling innovative new solutions with no track record is nearing its peak.


So how do you make the right decisions? What are the questions that need to be asked? What are the services you should avoid and the ones you should embrace? How much should it cost?  How do you avoid the biggest mistakes? What ROI can be expected (brand, awareness, increase positive WOM, decrease negative WOM)? How can agencies/consultants help you sell social media internally? What authoritative resources are at your disposal to learn more about Social Media?


These are a few of the questions that are being addressed in the Social Media Buyers Guide project. In the spirit of Web 2.0, the Social Media Buyer's Guide is an open research project from Social Media Club that is happening now. We are sourcing information from actual buyers, industry leaders, agencies, independent consultants and solution vendors.


This project is led by Social Media Club's Founder Chris Heuer, with the help of e-Storm's CEO William Gaultier and other members of Social Media Club.  As Chris Heuer is fond of saying, "Success in social media comes with the right attitude and intentions.  If you make the shift from selling to helping people buy you will find your greatest possible success as an organization."


The Tag for this project is #SMCbuyersguide



This project should have the following impact :

  • Help professionals in a position of responsibility for procuring social media solutions to ask the right questions and ultimately get the right solutions for their specific needs.
  • Help qualified service providers differentiate themselves from self-styled 'social media gurus'
  • Increase the overall effectiveness of social media programs launched by organizations, further supporting the overall market for social media services and solutions
  • Increase the efficiency of dollars invested in social media, ensuring that buyers need not over spend on extraneous bells and whistles
  • Arrive at a common definition of ROI for social media projects across variety of social media projects across different industries.  eg. ROI of Social Media Launch Campaigns vs ROI for Social Media Projects for Customer Support should have common ways to measure ROI idependent of industry.
  • How should Social Media Buyers standardize across the enterprise to avoid redundant purchases or avoid stepping on each other's projects as all social media ultimately talks to the same customers.



  • Chris Heuer (@chrisheuer)
  • William Gaultier (@wgaultier)
  • Michael Walsh (@walshtechnet)
  • Sudha Jamthe (@sujamthe)



  • Kickoff: February 4, 2009
  • Release of Findings: End of March, 2009
  • Refinement:



Key Issues

  •  Web Hosting


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