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Page history last edited by Kristie Wells 14 years, 1 month ago


Social Media Club Amsterdam 



Please go to the Mindz-plaza for meetups subscription.



We're currently looking for sponsors for upcoming events. Please contact Erno Hannink erno@ernohannink.nl or @ernohannink if you're interested in sponsoring an event--you can suggest a topic and help us with a venue!



We're also looking for great ideas for upcoming events. Please share your thoughts below on possible upcoming events, speakers, sponsors, etc. below.


Our schedule of events is below. Locations, hosts/sponsors and topics will be listed as they become available. All events are FREE, unless otherwise stated. As agendas become available, we'll add links to them from this page (click on the date). Thanks to our sponsors, and to everyone on the Leadership team for their hard work to make this schedule possible!



  • website http://smcamsterdam.org (on Mindz)
  • Start newsletter for SMC Amsterdam - to build communication channel
  • Start groups in the social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter




NOTE: Please tag all blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and photos with smcadam and socialmediaclub. If you upload photos to Flickr, we would appreciate you adding them into the Social Media Club pool at http://www.flickr.com/groups/socialmediaclub/. Thank you!



Frank Meeuwsen op DutchCowboys:

Erno, noem me een cynicus, maar ik zie nog steeds niets anders dan wat er op veel andere social media events gebeurd. Zoals je zelf al zegt: Presentaties (zenden dus) en weinig ruimte tot discussie. En de verhalen van @puur en Cisco zijn prima natuurlijk en zeer herkenbaar, maar is het veel anders dan alle andere verhalen die on- en offline al zijn te vinden?

Ik ben er zelf niet bij geweest dus ik kan moeilijk oordelen op afstand en zonder enige kennis van zaken. Maar ik vraag me af: Als het gaat om kennis te delen, waarom dan 2 presentaties? Waarom niet 5 whiteboards, markers en wat thema's? Unconference it! Je zou ook de deelnemers kunnen verplichten om bij aanwezigheid (die toch al niet vrijblijvend is) ook een bijdrage vooraf te geven. Deel dan de kennis die je met elkaar hebt of juist mist en faciliteer de ruimte en middelen om die kennis te delen. Bedrijven die "het allemaal nog niet zo weten", die moet je denk ik niet meer vermoeien met nog een presentatie over luisteren, meedoen, twitteren, hyves, wat het kost, wie het gaat doen en hoe je het meet. Maar die moet je gewoon aan de slag zetten. Laat het POST model van Forrester zien en zet ze aan de slag!


P is People. Don't start a social strategy until you know the capabilities of your audience. If you're targeting college students, use social networks. If you're reaching out business travelers, consider ratings and reviews. Forrester has great  data to help with this, but you can make some estimates on your own. Just don't start without thinking about it.

O is objectives. Pick one. Are you starting an application to listen to your customers, or to talk with them? To support them, or to energize your best customers to evangelize others? Or are you trying to collaborate with them? Decide on your objective before you decide on a technology. Then figure out how you will measure it.

S is Strategy. Strategy here means figuring out what will be different after you're done. Do you want a closer, two-way relationship with your best customers? Do you want to get people talking about your products? Do you want a permanent focus group for testing product ideas and generating new ones? Imagine you succeed. How will things be different afterwards? Imagine the endpoint and you'll know where to begin.

T is Technology. A community. A wiki. A blog or a hundred blogs. Once you know your people, objectives, and strategy, then you can decide with confidence.




All our past events can be viewed on the SMC plaza.




  • Venue recommendations: TBD
  • Sponsors: TBD 




The Social Media Club Amsterdam is looking for help shaping the future of social media in our local area. We have identified four roles that we needed support filling. These four people form the leadership team of the SMC Amsterdam group. If you'd be interested in helping one of them, please send an email to  Erno Hannink, erno@ernohannink.nl. And your input on these roles is welcome--as with all the Social Media Club Wiki pages, this one is editable too (the password is above, feel free to add your comments or suggestions below).




* Erno Hannink, erno@ernohannink.nl (initator - contact with Chris Heuer and Kristie Wells)

* Remco Janssen, remco@remcojanssen.com - Promotions Director

* Pieter van Osch, pieter@CustomerXF.com - Production Director (@pyotr)

* Victor Eekhof info@victoriouscompany.com - Programming director

* Olchert Vels, olchert.vels@gmail.com - Partnership Director (@olchert)



Social Media Club Arnhem is ook in de opstart (28 september 2009 EH).


Programming Director - Victor Eekhof

Email: info@victoriouscompany.com


At the heart of the Social Media Club is great interactive events. The Programming Director manages all aspects of the activity calendar for the Amsterdam club. This person is responsible for:

    • Developing and managing the schedule of events, including regular (monthly) public meetings and planning meetings
    • Identifying topics for upcoming events
    • Coordinating with the Partnership Director to secure speakers and identify venues for each event
    • Securing speaker bios
    • Preparing the event program for each public event, including agenda, directions and other special instructions
    • Hand off event program to Promotions Director for publicity and Production Director for planning and coordination of event



Partnership Director - Olchert Vels

Email: olchert.vels@gmail.com


Our activities wouldn't be possible without partners. We partner with other businesses and organizations to find topics, speakers and venues for future activities. The Partnership Director manages the relationships with the global Social Media Club parent organization, other important social media organizations (both national and local), as well as with local businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring or hosting upcoming activities. This person is responsible for:

    • Managing relationships with SNCR and other national and local social media-related organizations
    • Build and maintain relationships with, and identify co-sponsorship opportunities with, local marketing and technology organizations
    • Identifying and managing the relationships with past and future event sponsors, co-sponsors and venues
    • Coordinating with the Programming Director to find appropriate time slots, topics and venues for partner-sponsored events
    • Coordinating with the Production Director to identify speaker and sponsor needs for each event


Promotions Director - Remco Janssen

Email: remco@remcojanssen.com


Promotion is key to the ultimate success of our organization--and the earlier the better! This person is reponsible for:

    • Managing the Social Media Club Amsterdam web pages, including the blog, wiki, forums and email list
    • Coordinating with Programming Director to secure program agenda for each event
    • Promoting future events through all the above-named channels
    • Publicizing future events through online and traditional channels
    • Writing and sending around recaps of each public meeting
    • Recording, publishing and sharing audio and video from events


Production Director - Pieter van Osch

Email: pieter@CustomerXF.com - pieter@m-focus.com


This person is responsible for all aspects of event execution, including:

    • Assuming responsibility for event program from Programming Director
    • Scheduling and managing planning meetings with event sponsors and speakers
    • Managing on-site signage, video, audio and lighting
    • Coordinating food and drink with event sponsors and/or venue
    • Staffing and managing event registration
    • Maintaining the master member list
    • Managing development and collection of feedback forms
    • Managing giveaways and all-other on-site activities



Membership Director - Erno Hannink

Email: erno@ernohannink.nl - ernoh.hannink@gmail.com


The membership director is responsible for three important roles:

    • Managing the master membership list of the Amsterdam web Social Media Club
    • Promoting local membership in the global Social Media Club organization
    • Managing the relationship with the global Social Media Club organization



As the group develops, other roles may be identified. Your suggestions are welcome. Thank you! Again, if you'd like to volunteer for these or other roles with the Amsterdam web group, please email Erno Hannink, erno@ernohannink.nl. Thanks!


Digital Scribe?

How about one person responsible for recording and blogging events.




Throw your ideas into the table below. It doesn't matter how crazy they are. We'll consider them all. Thanks!


Possible locations:

  • TalentFirst - Bloemgracht Amsterdam - Huub van Zwieten
  • Financieel Dagblad - Yves Viegen
  • Telegraaf - wrs alleen locatie geen hapjes/drankjes - Marc Schoutens
  • ING - 2e helft 2010 - Louise McGregor



16.12.09 Aandacht Erno Anna-Maria Cisco Cisco Aandacht krijgen met Social Media preso door Cisco en Anna-Maria (Puur Amsterdam) aansluitend discussie met elkaar. Video met Chris en Kristie als intro.
20.01.10 Geluk Remco   Vodafone Vodafone onderzoek
  Hyves, the biggest Dutch social network site Remco Janssen Remco Bos, commercial manager Hyves     Will Facebook overrule Hyves as the number one platform? How to make money with enormous reach? What will be the future with mobile social networking?
  Cluetrain Manifesto Revisited   Doc Searls, David Weinberger      
  Social Media and Medicine   TBD      
  Future of Journalism     TBD TBD




  Is Google the New Microsoft?   TBD TBD TBD i.e., are they evil?
  Social Media and the Future of TV   TBD TBD TBD  
  Social Media and Education   TBD TBD TBD  
  Personalities and Personal Brands   TBD TBD TBD  
  Social Media and the Three Gs (Girls, Games and Gambling)   TBD TBD TBD  
  The Business Case for Social Media (Revisited)   TBD TBD TBD  
  Sports and Social Media   TBD TBD TBD  
  Social Media and the Law   TBD TBD TBD  
  Social Media, Biotech and Medicine   TBD TBD TBD  
  Social Media and the Protection of Content   TBD TBD TBD  
  Authenticity and Transparency.   TBD TBD TBD Case studies: Strumpette.com, Nashville is Talking - Too Transparent/AuthenticAre there any issues for people with different identities for work & personal? Are we going to hold people and companies accountable for their words? Tim O'Reilly developed a blogger code of ethics. Are people really policing each other? Is "Authenticity" the same for journalists as it is for bloggers, for individuals, or PR/Corporate agents or entities? Let's define "Authenticity" vs. "Transparency." Is one ever appropriate without the other? If so, when and why?..
  The rise of video         Hooman.tv
  Social Media and Customer Experience          
  Social CRM          


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